Please note that the Federal Highways Programmatic Consultation for Transportation Projects affecting NLEB or Indiana Bat Determination Key is temporarily offline for updates and will be available soon. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Find location
Search or zoom to find the project location
Or skip this step and:Selection by state or county is no longer available. -
Define area
Draw the area where activities will occur
Select a drawing tool
Other options:Selection by state or county is no longer available. -
Verify the area where project activities will occur
Modify the shape by clicking and dragging the vertices or clicking on a solid vertex to remove it
Confirm and continue
Screen too small
This device is smaller than IPaC supports to create a new project.
Please try again on a desktop or tablet computer.
Upload project area shape file
To upload a shape file, create a zip containing the *.shp, *.shx, *.dbf (and *.prj if it is not in Lat/Lon). You may also upload a Google Earth file (*.kml, *.kmz) or a GeoJSON Feature Collection (*.json, *.geojson).
Note: Shape files have a size limit of 2MB total and 30K vertices
Helpful Tip: Please simplify your shape file prior to uploading, especially for detailed maps such as CAD drawings.
How do I create a multipart polygon feature to use in the IPaC mapper?
Multipart polygon features are composed of more than one physical part that only references one set of attributes. You will need ArcGIS to create a multipart polygon feature. To create a multipart feature, you need to finish each part first, then finish the whole sketch once you have created the individual parts.
If you have existing features that you want to combine to make a multipart feature, you can do this with either Merge or Union. Merge allows you to combine features within the same layer, while Union works with features in different layers.
Once you create a multipart polygon feature it can be used in IPaC.